
Drawing with Drypoint

Taster Session

Sat 10th May 2025
11am – 2pm

4 places left!

Suitable for beginners



NOTE: If you are booking on behalf of one or more persons, please include all attendees names in the Order Notes section at checkout.

Learn how to create prints from your drawings with drypoint during this taster session.


What will you learn?

Drypoint is a printmaking technique that creates a line-based image by using sharp tools to scratch into the surface of a plate. The style of this method lends itself well to loose drawing and expressive, fluid mark making.

Often confused with the process of etching, Drypoint is in itself an individual, standalone technique. It consists of drawing, or β€˜engraving’, fairly deeply into the surface of the plate using specialist tools in order to create an image. Unlike etching there is no use of resists or mordants to bite the plate, making drypoint a simple way to create multiple intaglio prints.

Please note our concessionary and member discounts do not apply for taster sessions.

Suitable for ages 13+.

* Children younger than 18 may be accompanied by a parent (at no extra cost). Please note these classes are not suitable for children younger than 13 years old due to the printmaking machinery/tools involved.

If you are booking for a young printmaker and would like to accompany them during the session, please note your name in the Order Notes when checking out.


Topics covered:

  • A brief introductory session into the process
  • How to produce your own prints using the methods covered

To book this course, please select the date and pricing option that is most suitable for you and continue your order through to checkout. Payment can be made via Card or PayPal. We will email you to confirm your booking.

If you would like to book a tailored course, please contact us to confirm your selected date(s) before booking.



Our regular rate is applicable if you are currently in full or part time employment.

Concessionary / Student
Our concessionary rate is applicable if you are aged 60 years or older, aged 13 years or younger, and/or in receipt of any state benefits. If you are aged 13+ years, and in full-time education or currently studying towards an undergraduate or post-graduate degree.

GD Member
Members of the studio receive a 10% discount on all of our courses. Become a member?



All materials and notes are included in the price of this workshop. No previous experience of printmaking is required unless noted in the course details. Young printmakers are encouraged, aged 13+.

For details about what to prepare before for your course begins, please read through our How to Prepare page.



Green Door requires 5 working days notice of cancellation of a booked course/workshop. Any advance payment made in excess of the non-refundable deposit (50% of the course price) will be returned unless you are able to make arrangements with Green Door Printmaking Studio to reschedule your course booking.

As a courtesy it is always preferable to notify us of your cancellation even if it falls within the cancellation notice period.

Green Door reserves the right to postpone any course bookings until future notice. We will always keep you informed should any changes to your course booking arise.


line etch

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11am – 5pm

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