
11 Nov 2020 - 30 Jan 2021

Wherever I go I take you with me

11 Nov 2020 – 30 Jan 2021
Louise Wiseman

Travel and photography are two lifelong passions: I’ve always loved experiencing new places and found myself equally excited by the ability to capture my view of them on camera. More recently I’ve discovered another passion in printmaking, which enables me to bring the two together in a new, expressive and exciting way. By turning my travel photographs into screen prints, I’m transported back to places I’ve been, and often find a different viewpoint on them. Many of my screenprints use monotype, which allows me to experiment with colour to create unique pictures – and in a very small way recreates the excitement of seeing somewhere new for the very first time.

In this exhibition, I invite you to travel to some of the places I’ve visited in the last few years so you too can experience them, feel their atmosphere and, I hope, enjoy them as much as I did. As a relative newcomer to printmaking, I’m also on a bigger personal and artistic journey, discovering new techniques and new ways of expressing myself. It’s exciting. I’ve no idea where it will take me, but to paraphrase some wise person somewhere: sometimes the journey is as important as the destination. I’m happy just to go with the flow… and wherever I go I’ll take you with me, if you’d like to come along.

Louise Wiseman

Although I’ve been taking photographs all my life, I’ve only recently discovered the world of printmaking and embarked on a life-changing creative journey. Much of my work to date uses my photos as a starting point, but every step on this new creative path brings new discoveries, new techniques, new ways of looking at things and new ideas.

Inspiration can come from anywhere at any time and I’m open to going wherever it takes me. Above all, I make images for the joy of making them and I hope they’ll bring some of that joy to those who look at them!




Tonight Mathew

12 Feb – 28 Mar 2020
Kevin A. Pickering


Experiments in Abstraction

8 Apr – 23 May 2020
Michael Hill


Wherever I go I take you with me

11 Nov 2020 – 30 Jan 2021
Louise Wiseman

figurative fancies

Figurative Fancies

17 July – 16 Sept 2020
Christine Amber Stangroom & Marie Theresa South