We offer two types of membership at Green Door Printmaking Studio: Regular and Concession/Student. Which of these you select will depend on your circumstances and what you would like to use the studio and our facilities for.

At Green Door, we actively promote printmaking and our printmakers, helping them to develop their individual practices and creativity. We maintain a friendly and sensitive approach to all of our members and through mentoring and Anna’s background in Art Therapy are able to bring together a wide range of people to work in our studio.

You can join on a 12, 6 or 3 month basis to book access the studio facilities at any time during our open hours (at an hourly rate of £4). We also offer a flexible monthly renewable membership for those wishing to trial studio membership for a one-off project. 

Become a Member

Complete an application form to join


£140* PER YEAR

  • £4 p/h to use facilities
  • £15 p/h shadowing service
  • 10% discount on all courses
  • * £125 concessionary/student rate



  • £4 p/h to use facilities
  • £15 p/h shadowing service
  • 10% discount on all courses
  • * £75 concessionary/student rate



  • £4 p/h to use facilities
  • £15 p/h shadowing service
  • 10% discount on all courses
  • * £45 concessionary/student rate



  • £4 p/h to use facilities
  • £15 p/h shadowing service
  • 10% discount on all courses
  • * conditions apply

If you are a complete beginner…
If you are interested in learning about printmaking, we recommend undertaking one of our courses before joining. This will enable you to work alone at your own pace in the studio in your chosen printmaking process. All of our courses require no previous experience of printmaking and are taught in a supportive and open atmosphere.

If you have previous experience…
If you would like to use our facilities, and have some previous experience, you must first demonstrate that you have a good working knowledge of the processes you wish to use. This could be by taking part in one of our courses, or providing sufficient evidence of prior learning (please note, this must date within at least six months of applying for membership). Green Door tutors are available for shadowing if you require any assistance during your first session.

Studio Introductions
If you would like to have tour of the studio or ask a question before joining, please contact us to make an appointment. You will be asked to bring along examples of your work to help us to gauge how the studio can best aid you in your practice.

Visiting Artists
We welcome visiting artists who wish to work in the studio for a limited time period. For this reason we have introduced a flexible monthly membership period for those wishing to work on a project or sample our membership.

Please contact us to arrange your visit.

Regular Rate
Our regular rate is applicable if you are currently in full or part time employment.

Concessionary / Student Rate
Our concessionary rate is applicable if you are aged 60 years or older, aged 13 years or younger, and/or in receipt of any state benefits. Our student rate is applicable if you are aged 13+ years, and in full-time education or currently studying towards an undergraduate or post-graduate degree.

Flexible Rate
Our flexible rate is payable on an ad-hoc basis. Please note, there is no concessionary or student discount for this option.